Thursday, August 19, 2010

Virtual science at Malabar

With the completion of human genome project vast number of data has been created. The details are spread all around. These data’s cannot be wasted. It can be converted into useful information. The application of Bio-Informatics comes here. BI should not be confused with biotech, drug design, medicine, biochemistry. It can be used in all aspects of life science. Just like IT which has found its way into all sectors of industry BI is a part of all life science industry. Most of the experiments time duration can be cut shorted with application of BI. It involves 3 sectors; database management, software development and analyzing.

How BI helps Malabar???

When we think of projects in life science major obstacle for a normal individual is infrastructure and technical know.

In BI all you require is a project idea. Your lab, Chemicals, instrument and guide is your computer. The only expense in BI is computer and internet. Most of the experiment software are available free of cost in the internet for academic purpose.

Since most of life science educated students fail to get job in industry, BI could help them to work themselves in their own house. The guidance can be taken from scientist online. No requirement of travelling to far away destination to get your results. The eg can be cited from recent activities of OSDD in eradicating tuberculosis. The work was and is being done by number of students just using their idea and computers

BI can be used by all science educated people as an area to work in geographical area where industrial development is less compared to other regions of India.

To impart the training in this growing area of life science and to built students with the aptitude for research SIAS has come up with the only centre under Calicut University to meet the requirement. SIAS has started with the vision to be pioneer to train students in advanced subjects like Bio-Informatics, Bio-technology, Nanotechnology in Malabar. And thus uplifting the hidden scientist within Malabar who fail to get international exposure

SIAS has started with the aim to be actively involved in research in the next generation discipline with cutting edge technology

SIAS has recently conducted a national seminar in “Rescent advances in CADD” with Schrodinger U.S. It is the first of its kind in Malabar. SIAS has started [SCARMM] at its campus to be purely private funded research institute. It has also started a collaborate work with IGIB, Delhi under a project which is predicted to be a national boon

With all these we can hope that the face of Malabar is in change and young researchers dream in this area can be fulfilled.